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A Glimpse into the Future
By Dr. Matthew Goldstein
This past June I ended my fourteen years as Chancellor of The City University of New York. In 1991, when I was appointed by the CUNY Board of Trustees, I had limited appreciation of the impact one might have on the future direction of this great university. But with the support of CUNY board chair and former Yale University President Benno Schmidt and the rest of the board....READ MORE
2013: The Year of Children First
By Ernest A. Logan
This should be a school year when “children first” becomes more than a slogan but a movement that goes directly to the heart of the matter about children’s health and safety. If our kids aren’t healthy and safe, we can’t expect them to attend school regularly and move....READ EDITORIAL Tips for Teachers and Parents on the First Day of School
By Harold S. Koplewicz, MD
As parents and teachers, we begin a new school year with fresh energy and enthusiasm.
Parents look forward to new teachers and new learning opportunities for our children, and we hope that they’ll inspire our kids to learn and thrive. Perhaps most important, we hope....READ MORE
New Standards To Prepare Educators
By Mary Brabeck, Ph.D.
Chair of The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation is adopting new standards for accreditation of primary and secondary schools across the nation. The council will be looking for higher levels of learning, specific recruiting of teachers who are for example....READ MORE
Looking Forward in Education
By Ronald P. Stewart
The fundamentals of a great educational system will not, and have not changed. Great teachers make great schools, and the interaction between the individual teacher and student will continue to prevail as the critical factor in a young person’s education. Of course technology will play an increasing role, and part of technology’s attraction is that it makes it cheaper to deliver....READ MORE
The Middle Project Develops Leaders for Today & Tomorrow
By Mohammad Ibrar
The Middle Project, a non-profit organization, is dedicated to developing leaders with sound moral and ethical values who can inspire change toward the betterment of humanity. Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis, Executive Director, gives her perspective on the ins and outs of the organization....READ MORE
CSA Celebrates New Headquarters, Historic Leaders
By Valentina Cordero & Erica Anderson
Council of School Supervisors and Administrators President Ernest Logan welcomed guests to their new Manhattan headquarters and dedicated rooms to the organization’s visionary leaders, including former CSA President, Jill Levy....READ MORE
12 Tips for Using Twitter in the Classroom
By Starr Sackstein, NBCT
They're under desks. In hoodie front pouches. In giant purses, lurking in boots or even undercover in a binder.
Phones are out. They aren't supposed to be, but students are covertly examining Facebook, Twitter and other personal "non-school" media on school time....READ MORE
Perspectives on the Tech Revolution
By Bharanidharan Rajakumar
A leader in education technology reports about helping students learn, via an online webinar and offline events, changes in the common core math standards. Also discussed is the problem of a lack of good technological infrastructure at many schools....READ MORE
Google in Education
By Jaime Casap
The debate over technology in schools has shifted from whether or not technology should be used in schools to how technology should be used in education....READ MORE
The Cowin Financial Literacy Project at Teachers College Earns Kudos
Transcription By Danielle Bennett
The Cowin Financial Literacy Project at Teachers College, Columbia University offers teachers and principals courses in teaching high school students financial literacy. Approved by Chancellor Walcott, NYC, and Commissioner King, NYS, this program will be replicated in Minnesota and several other states....READ MORE
Windward School Hosts Panel on Dyslexia
By Rich Monetti
The Windward School in White Plains hosted a dyslexia panel before an audience of parents, teachers and students and screened the HBO documentary, “The Big Picture: Rethinking Dyslexia”. Among the subjects featured were some very high-profile dyslexics such as Richard Branson and Charles Schwab....READ MORE
The Dean and the Dolphins
By Jacob M. Appel, MD, JD
Psychiatrists from Mount Sinai’s medical school provided the gravitas and Israeli dolphins the entertainment this past June as the UJA-Federation of New York’s Mental Health Professionals Division honored Dennis S. Charney, the Dean of the Icahn School of Medicine....READ MORE
A Summer Reading Connection
By Tori Saltz
An 8th grader shares her thoughts about her studies of the Holocaust. She compares her reading of Anee Frank’s diary with her recent visit to Berlin.
An 8th grader shares her thoughts about her studies of the Holocaust. She compares her reading of Anee Frank’s diary with her recent visit to Berlin....READ MORE
Review of ‘Magnificent Mistakes in Mathematics’
By Merri Rosenberg
A new book by Alfred Posamentier and Ingmar Lehmann seeks to “entertain the reader with a collection of wrong conclusions” by famed mathematicians, and present mathematics as a delightful intellectual exercise that enhances critical thinking across all disciplines....READ REVIEW
Koch Documentary: Conversation Between Barsky & Goodwin Provide Insights
By Danielle M. Bennett
Pulitzer prize winning Journalist Michael Goodwin talks with director Neir Barsky about his recent film documentary about former Mayor Ed Koch. The two discuss the portrayal in the film of the mayor handling race issues, him handling gay rights, the mayor’s own sexual orientation, New York City at that period in time, and other anecdotes about his life....READ MORE
Movie Review: “Please Be Normal”
By Joan Baum, Phd
Please Be Normal is a new movie that explores the relationships in life when an unmarried couple are having a baby, trying to foster a career, and the intricate and delicate nuances of a father-in-law, a woman in trouble, the humanity of man which can be misconstrued as infidelity and the complexities of life in general....READ REVIEW