A library's place is in the heart of a school. It is where different nations are housed peacefully together on shelves in ordered silence. It is where new learning takes place with every turn of a page. It is where life unfolds and begs answers; Where old questions were answered and new questions begin.
The library is the doorway to past, present, and future all rolled into one history. It is where the very young and very old find refuge; And where their imagination can take flight. The library is where old tales are told and new tales are crafted; where special guests display their gifts and talents; where the applause from their audience beckons new patrons and new listeners into the author's circle.
Schools need libraries to showcase author's day, spelling bees, chess tournaments,puppet shows, read-aloud days, literacy teas, storytelling, and holidays. Schools need libraries to introduce students to great authors and even greater than life libraries. Libraries are needed to introduce the youth of today to the world of computer technology,research, and cyberspace of tomorrow.
Surely, libraries have something for everyone. Free access is granted. Joining the Library costs nothing but means everything. We must protect our school libraries as well as the public schools that house our libraries.
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