Register Now! Adult Spring Classes Start on April 10
China Institute offers a wide range of Chinese language classes at every proficiency level, from beginner to advanced. The year-round Private Tutoring has been designed to meet an individual's specific language needs. Our experienced instructors can bring private lessons to any location of your choice, and at the convenience of your schedule. In the Studio Program, we currently offer Calligraphy, Brush Painting, & Tai Chi.
Check out Spring class schedule: Downtown Location UES Location
Not sure which level to register for? Schedule an appointment for a quick 15 minute assessment! Please contact: Tina Fang by email to or call 212-744-8181 ext. 150
Spring Special
Classical Chinese III: A Rare Linguistic Gem
- Taught by Ben Wang, Senior Lecturer
10 sessions (20 hours)
Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm (April 11 - June13)
Tuition: $465 members / $505 non-members
(plus a $25 non-refundable registration fee)
Requirements for taking this course:
Knowledge of basic grammar points and reading characters of the vernacular Chinese, which is at least one year Chinese study at a university or college Chinese program, or similar proficiency level. For those who did not attend the first two sessions of this course, it is highly recommended that you contact the office for an assessment.
Course Description:
In the lives of all those interested in world cultures, there is surely a moment when the door to classical Chinese must be open for them to come to better understand the poetry, literature, music, drama, and fine arts.
Far from being a demised and vanished (or vanishing) language, classical Chinese, at its ripe age of more than 3,000 years, glows not only as a sine-qua-non to the appreciation of classical written matters in Chinese, it is used by all writers to this day in composing fine modern poetry, novels, essays, and journalistic reports and comments. Most importantly, classical Chinese language, sound and alive, makes an astonishing appearance in daily conversations often embellished by countless common sayings and proverbs in classical (or semi-classical) Chinese. These are as much an indispensable and integral part of both the spoken and written Chinese as they are the most popular and favorite phrases to all Chinese language speakers and writers. Learn More
Workshop/Short Course
Essential Chinese For Travelers
* Saturday Workshop (single session)
- Choose from one of the schedules: May 20, June 3, or June 17
- Time: 10:00am-1:00pm
- Fee: $90 (Materials Included)
* Thursday Short Course (3 sessions) : June 22 , June 29, and July 6
- Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm
- Fee: $180 (Materials Included)
Instructor: Carl Chen
Course Description:
This cultural & language workshop and short course are designed to introduce essential Chinese language and etiquette tips for travelers (tourists, exchange students, business people, etc.) who are interested in learning to speak basic Chinese for functional purposes. Participants will learn useful expressions for daily use such as greetings and proper terms of address, self-introduction, asking for directions, taking a taxi, shopping, and dining, among many others. They will also learn how to read simple Chinese characters and recognize public signs. Participants will also be introduced to Chinese culture so they can better understand and communicate with people in China. No prior knowledge of Chinese Mandarin is necessary to participate in the workshop or the short course.
The Saturday single-session workshop will include a lecture followed by language practice of fundamental Chinese. The 3-session short course will provide more detailed language instruction and participants will have more opportunities to practice and be able to communicate in Chinese upon completion.
For Questions Contact Tina Fang at: or call 212-744-8181 ext 150
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