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This Week on ChildMind.org

Children have a whole arsenal of tactics for evading things they don't want to do, from ignoring instructions to whining and wheedling to active defiance. Your average parent is familiar with most of them. But some kids are definitely harder to manage than others, and almost every day we hear from parents who feel that they're losing the battle.

Last week one frustrated mom wrote to us about her 10-year-old daughter who, when asked to do something not to her liking, says "No," folds her arms angrily, and disobeys. None of the discipline strategies she's tried have gotten results, the mom wrote, ending her email with "Help!!!"

This week we've rounded up pieces on childmind.org that address the most effective ways to manage behavior. If kids are seriously out of control, parent training can be a lifesaver; we've seen it many times. But parents who apply the principles on their own can also see good results both at home and at school. The biggest beneficiaries are the kids themselves, because when children are able to cooperate and follow rules, they can enjoy more positive relationships not only with parents but with teachers and friends and all the other important people in their lives.

 --Caroline Miller, Editorial Director

making fun  
Managing Problem Behavior at Home
A guide to more confident, consistent and effective parenting (and happier, better-behaved kids).  

Stop Yelling! Calm Parenting Makes Calmer Kids
It can be hard to keep your cool, but less yelling means better communication. Some tips on avoiding explosive situations from professionals and parents alike.

parenting traps  
Three Common Parenting Traps
Tips for avoiding those interactions that, despite your best intentions, end up teaching your children exactly the wrong thing.

How to Make Time Outs Work
If time outs aren't working for your child, it may be time to revisit how you're doing them.

How to Give Kids Effective Instructions
The first step to harmony at home is making sure kids understand what they're being told to do.

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