Newark Mayor Cory Booker
Looks Ahead to Education Reform
By Lisa K. Winkler
There’s no one solution to fixing Newark’s schools, and Mayor Cory Booker is eager to embrace any and all that produce results....MORE
International Perspectives in Education
Journal from Rwanda
By Anita Reetz
In September, my Barnard College classmate, Anita Reetz decided to go to Rwanda to teach for one year with her husband, former WINS anchor Jim McGiffert....MORE
Learning Lessons of Peace:
Arab & Israeli Children Hand in Hand
By Joy Resmovits
In March 2007, a group of superintendents from all parts of the United States traveled to Israel under the aegis of the American Israel Friendship League to observe, learn and share educational perspectives....MORE
The Challenges of Teaching in Afghanistan:
Prof. Margaret Jo Shepherd
By Joan Baum, Ph.D.
The setting: a desolate, remote province in Eastern Afghanistan called Paktika, near the Pakistan border....MORE
The Challenges of Teaching in Afghanistan:
Barry Rosen Heads Team
By Joan Baum, Ph.D.
His fluency in Farsi is so good that the proprietor of an Afghani market once greeted him as “Mr. Iranian.” ...MORE
Education Update Salutes the Contributions of Hispanic Americans
Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of Mendez v. Westminster
By Adam W. Sugerman
Imagine American soldiers fighting overseas for their country and freeing the world of tyranny....MORE
Argentine Tango Takes New York
By Judith Aquino
At 11am Saturday morning, high above the noise and bustle of Chelsea, dozens of dancers glided counterclockwise inside the wooden floor studio of Dance Manhattan....MORE
School of Education:
Striving for Excellence
By Dean David Steiner
George Orwell once wrote that to see clearly what is directly in front of one “needs a constant struggle.”...MORE
Letters to the Editor - October 2007
Corporate Contributions to Education: Chuck Cahn
By Joan Baum, Ph.D.
A biography listing most of Chuck Cahn’s extraordinary leadership positions concludes with this: “He also chairs the board of the Cahn Fellows Program for Distinguished New York City Principals, at Teachers College, Columbia.”...MORE
The Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize
in Education, 20th Anniversary
By Dr. Pola Rosen
The splendor of glittering lights at the New York Public Library and the exotic centerpieces named for lands far away, transported guests to an enchanted place generally reserved for readers of the volumes housed in this great repository of learning....MORE
The Panel for Education Policy
Limits Military in HS
By Judith Aquino
Recently, the Panel for Education Policy held its first public meeting of the school year....MORE
School of Visual Arts: President David Rhodes
By Sybil Maimin
“He leaves behind a thriving art college . . . My father’s vision has been fulfilled,” beams David Rhodes, president of the School of Visual Arts (SVA), as he describes the legacy of his recently deceased father, Silas H. Rhodes....MORE
The Dean's Column
Golden Section from an Algebraic Viewpoint
By Dean Alfred Posamentier
When we talk about the beauty of mathematics, we tend to think of the most beautiful rectangle....MORE
Cahn Fellows Program at Teachers College Nurtures Distinguished NYC Principals
By Emily Sherwood, Ph.D.
When Israel Soto, Principal of East Harlem’s P.S. 57, began brainstorming with his faculty to acquire more computers for his elementary school, the results were palpable....MORE
St. John’s U. School of Ed
100th Anniversary:
An Interview
with Dean Jerrold Ross
By Emily Sherwood, Ph.D.
As St. John’s University’s School of Education prepares to celebrate its 100th anniversary next year, Dean Jerrold Ross has a lot to be proud of....MORE
Joseph Scelsa Brings Italian American Heritage to Life
By Emily Sherwood, Ph.D.
What do Bank of America founder A.P. Giannini, inventor Antonio Meucci (credited with inventing the telephone before Alexander Graham Bell), and Civil War colonel and antiquities collector Luigi Palma de Cesnola all have in common?...MORE
Marymount Manhattan College Writing Center Kicks Off Irish Writers Series
By Sybil Maimin
“Irish Voices: Irish Women, Irish Desires…Songs from the Soul” got off to a delightful start at the Writing Center at Marymount Manhattan College with a talk by mother-daughter mystery writing sensations, Mary Higgins Clark and Carol Higgins Clark...MORE
From NYS Senator Liz Krueger
How The State Creates Opportunity
By State Senator Liz Krueger
In recent years, the dream of getting a college degree has come under assault for many young New Yorkers....MORE
What Treatment is Needed for Children with Behavior Problems?
By Glenn S. Hirsch, M.D.
Children come into this world with different temperamental styles; some are easy going and some have more difficulty with the rhythms of every day life....MORE
Special Olympics in Shanghai, China
A partnership to advance the rights of children with intellectual disabilities was announced recently by UNICEF and Special Olympics International, on the occasion of the 2007 Special Olympics World Summer Games in Shanghai, China....MORE
Logos Bookstore Recommendations
By H. Harris Healy, III, President, Logos Bookstore
It is October and Halloween is coming soon. Here at Logos there are Halloween cards, books and gifts....MORE
Review of Letters To The Next President: What We Can Do About The Real Crisis In Public Education
By Merri Rosenberg
The Presidential candidates have plenty on their plates to consider, as they head into an intense season of debates and primaries....MORE
From the Superintendent's Office
In Praise Of Keyboarding
By Dr. Carole G. Hankin
with Randi T. Sachs
For most parents, their children’s practice of doing almost all writing for school on a computer keyboard is something they are still getting used to....MORE
The Legacy of Parents
By Dr. Charlotte
K. Frank
When I see teachers in classrooms, visit with principals in schools, look at editors putting together a quality publication, or even when I’m selecting the right vegetables for a tasty salad, I am reminded of my parents as role models for whatever success I may have achieved....MORE
Sitting Up Straight and Taking Notice
By Sandra Priest Rose
Walking around the streets of New York, an observant lover of this city cannot help but notice the overwhelming number of people who slouch....MORE
The Center for Arts Education Helps New York Get “Arts Smart”
By Judith Aquino
Remember the excitement and satisfaction of molding a ceramic bowl, building a wooden shelf, or playing an instrument in school?...MORE
NIH Selects Weill Cornell Medical College & Dean Antonio Gotto Jr. to Lead New Research Collaboration with Hunter Pres. Raab
Weill Cornell Medical College has been selected by the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to establish and lead a new Clinical and Translational Science Center (CTSC), creating an ambitious and innovative network for biomedical collaboration on New York’s Upper East Side....MORE
Wheelchair Basketball Teams Play for the Mayor’s Cup
By Richard Kagan
On October 5-7th, 13 teams will converge on Manhattan to compete in the 2007 Mayor’s Cup Wheelchair Basketball Tournament....MORE |