Your Child to Work at NY-Presbyterian Hospital
“Take Your Child
to Work Day” at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital showed children
of healthcare professionals the day-to-day functions performed
by their parents at the hospital. At both the Columbia Presbyterian
Medical Center and the Weill Cornell Medical Center, among the
highlights of the day was a giant Game of Operation, an eight-foot
long board game based on the one created by Milton Bradley in
which children, dressed in full scrubs provided by the hospital,
“operate” on a patient without setting off the buzzer.
In addition, NewYork-Presbyterian’s
other major centers, The Allen Pavilion and the Children’s Hospital
of NewYork-Presbyterian, provided the children with a look at
hospital life with tours conducted by Nickelodeon characters Dora
the Explorer© and Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius©, respectively at
each center.
Children ranging
in age from nine to fifteen are expected to attended each center’s

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