Children Become Better Citizens Through Summer Camps
by Jessie
“The original summer
camp is the most important step in education, in the broadest
sense, that America is giving the world,” said Harvard University
President Charles W. Eliot, over seventy years ago. On this basis
we have developed the philosophy of summer camping in which we
strongly believe, based on the theory that a democracy cannot
flourish without men and women of virtue who will conduct themselves
wisely and honorably in public and private life, and who will
influence their fellow citizens to follow their example.
Independent private
camps have exceptional opportunities to cultivate faith, integrity,
and learning in their campers through a program touching every
aspect of their lives. It is our duty to make the most of these
We believe that
camps must do everything possible to promote our program and to
encourage them to think and act rationally, critically, and independently.
The goal of summer camp is to promote good health to provide training
in and opportunities for various activities, and to develop an
interest in nature and outdoor living and the wonders of the great
natural environment found in the hills and valleys of our great
Summer camps are
a unique community of men and women, living together in the great
outdoors, learning how to get along with their neighbors and learning
respect for others and the responsibility that goes with living
closely together.
In the words of
Nancy Regan, “camps can make a difference in the development of
children when we try.” At summer camps we should try very hard
to build self-esteem and love for each other amongst our campers.
I think that summer
camp is a wonderful opportunity and in the 70 years since my first
trip to a boys’ camp in West Virginia, camp has been the thing
which has supported me through all these long years. The friends
that I made as a camper 70 years ago are still my friends. I now
see their granddaughters and great granddaughters at the girls’
summer camp I own and operate alongside my son. The love and support
of the many friends I have made through my camping years has brought
me to my 85th year. I still get much enjoyment when
I hear how our camp has helped guide a young girl in the right
The spirit of
camp, without sounding trite to those who have felt it or vague
to those that haven’t, is something that is shared by many people.
Here are a few quotes that help demonstrate what a summer camp
can provide:
Girls…come from
Colorado to Czechoslovakia, from Texas to New York and everywhere
in between. Some come from abusive homes, others “Leave it to
Beaver” families. Some do not have a lot of money and others live
in mansions. Yet, we spend seven weeks together and our friendships
strengthen every day and will probably last forever.
[Summer] camp
taught me that it’s okay to be me and that there are people who
like me for me. It taught me that importance of friendship and
open-mindedness…it’s the best place on earth. I can never thank
my mother enough for passing the tradition on to me.#
@1995-1996 and reprinted from The Educational Register with permission
by VincentCurtis, Boston.

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