Resources, Referrals
and Help
Parents of learning disabled children
often need information on resources. With web access, Resources
for Children’s source book (212-677-4650) and the “leave no child
behind legislation,” one would expect that reliable information
is readily available. Yet when the need is for low cost services
or very specific services, getting information is still difficult.
Three opportunities have recently
become available to parents. One provides free psycho-educational
evaluation, one free remediation with a learning disabilities
specialist, and one excellent on-line support.
Free Evaluations:
If you have concerns about your child’s academic progress you
can request, in writing, an evaluation from the Department of
Education. Therefore, one might wonder why a free private psycho-educational
evaluation might be desirable. There are two reasons: First to
get a second opinion, especially if you find yourself in disagreement
with the primary evaluation. Second, the mandate of The Department
of Education is to offer appropriate services within a public
school setting, not necessarily to provide a diagnostic profile
of your child as a learner. The State College of Optometry, Learning
Disabilities Unit has recently received a grant to provide FREE
evaluations for children in grades k-8 with Medicaid (non HMO)
or Centercare. As part of this process your child will also receive
a visual and perceptual evaluation. Call 212-780-4960 for information.
Free Remediation:
Often parents face a difficult problem: they know that their child
needs Orton-Gillingham or multi-sensory remediation but they don’t
know how to go about getting help. While many fabulous well-trained
Learning Disabilities Specialists can be contacted by calling
The International Dyslexia Association (212-691-1930) options
are fewer when families lack financial resources. Lady Liberty
Educational Alliance was established to offer instruction in reading
and related language skills free of charge to students who have
not yet gained adequate skills in a standard school setting despite
intervention and who cannot afford private fees. Contact Carol
Kanter at 212-744-6212 (10-3). Because Lady Liberty is a charity
with all of its monies committed to providing services, it must
raise funds to continue to provide remediation.
The Manhattan Jazz ensemble will perform
a benefit concert at The Weill Recital Hall of Carnegie Hall on
Friday May 16th at 8PM. To support this unique and very worthy
program call for tickets at 212-247-7800 or go on-line to
On-Line Support:
Finally for those parents new to the process or seeking information
about learning disabilities on the web try
Charles Schwab, of brokerage fame, is dyslexic and has put the
considerable resources of his organization to work on creating
a guide for parents and educators. Request a parent or educator

Update, Inc., P.O. Box 20005, New York, NY 10001.
Tel: (212) 481-5519. Fax: (212) 481-3919.Email:
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consent of the publisher. © 2003.