Young People’s Chorus Of NY
by Stu
has many facets. One of the most interesting and satisfying is
the Young People’s Chorus of New York (YPC). The YPC is a performance-based
choral group of some 300 young people, ages 8-26, in five choral
divisions. In residence at the 92nd Street Y, it performs public
and private concerts.
Under the co-direction
of Francisco Nunez and Cara Suzanne Tasher, performances have
taken place throughout the city, nationwide and internationally.
They have appeared before such dignitaries as the President of
the United States, Kofi Annan at the UN, Prime Minister Yizhak
Rabin, President Nelson Mandela, and numerous royalty. They has
been featured on ABC, NBC, FOX, and WQXR. The YPC received First
Prize in the Children’s Chorus category at the prestigious 2002
International Chorus Competition held in British Columbia, 3 First
Prizes and a Gold Medal at the 1999 Des Moines International Choir
Competition, and a Silver Medal at the 1997 Prague International
Choral Competition. While these performances and awards talk to
the commitment to excellence of the YPC, even more important is
its commitment to providing an atmosphere where young people of
diverse ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds can further
their personal and artistic growth through the study and performance
of music. The YPC has been recognized for its commitment to urban
and at-risk children by the NYS Assembly, the Mayor, and the Manhattan
Borough President’s office.
in this program is very demanding, and the young people who make
up these choral groups not only learn music they learn self-discipline.
Recently, the Concert Chorus, consisting of forty singers, ranging
in age from 11 to 17, gave a performance entitled “Transient Glory”
in which they performed eight works, six of which were world premieres.
The evening was hosted by John Schaefer of WNYC. The works were
performed both a cappella and accompanied by piano and instrumentalists.
The outstanding performances brought the audience to its feet
to applaud these young people and their director, Francisco Nunez.
One can only imagine the work that went into preparing for this
concert. Those who despair of educating inner city children should
attend one of the YPC performances. They will not only have a
wonderful evening, but will see what skillful leadership, talent
and hard work can accomplish.#

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