A Tribute To Grandmothers on Mother's
It is my special and unusual gift to be the grandmother of
eleven wonderful granddaughters. My life has been enriched
with all the shared experiences involving their development:
their birthday parties, dance and musical recitals, school
plays and grandparents’ days, etc. The holidays are festive
and fun to share together. I hope that some day all of the
girls, from the oldest (a high school senior) to the youngest
(two months old) will cherish the memories as I do and know
the happiness they have given me. I wish their great grandmothers
were alive to share the great pride and love I have for them.
We call them our precious jewels and that’s exactly what they
are! |
Being a grandmother is like a flower opening its petals to
the warm sun, like dunking your tickly toes in the ocean,
like soaring in the sky like a bird. My love for Emily is
so great, it fills my heart with joy. Emily makes me laugh
when she says on the telephone, Grandma, I'm sitting on your
son! She amazes me by stating, there are no aliens on earth,
only people. As she explores her world with a wonder and freshness
that is uniquely hers, I too enter her world and forge the
unbreakable bonds of grandmother and granddaughter that will
endure over time. |
I have been blessed with “great” grandchildren and have had
the opportunity to travel with them and share great times.
Here are some of the joys of being a grandmother. The first
time my tiny, baby granddaughter opened her eyes and fixed
a penetrating gaze on me, I thought, “She knows who I am.”
My older granddaughter, now six, who recently, when admiring
an adult friend’s ornamental pool, commented, “Isn’t that
papyrus growing in your pool?” And then added, to the woman’s
further astonishment, “I’m obsessed with ancient Egypt.” I
am to blame, having introduced her to the Metropolitan Museum
and its Egyptian collection. My two-year old grandson grew
frustrated with me when I didn’t understand what “horse music”
referred to, and finally cried out, “Grandma, Beethoven, Beethoven!”
Ah, yes, the “Pastoral Symphony” courtesy of Disney’s “Fantasia.”
Being a grandmother means having time for such treasured moments,
unconditional love given and received, the spirit to have
fun, be indulgent, and the luxury of going home at the end
of an exhilarating day. |

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