Leaders Helps Students Succeed
recent opening meeting of Learning Leaders headed by Carol Kellerman,
filled the Sheraton ballroom to overflowing. Special guests included
Nane Annan, a lawyer in Sweden who is currently a learning leader
and wife of Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations.
Ms. Annan has devoted her life to helping people around the world
who are struggling with poverty, ill health and the lack of education.
Chancellor Joel Klein and UFT President Randi Weingarten addressed
the group congratulating the volunteers on their efforts. Speakers
also included a NYC police detective and mom who spoke poignantly
about how learning leaders had helped her daughter, Maggie Tutts
was honored with a 91st birthday cake by one
of the 21-year-old twins she tutored 15 years ago.
Learning Leaders is the largest volunteer organization solely
dedicated to helping New York City’s public school children.
Founded in 1956, Learning Leaders recruits, trains and supports
over 11,500 school volunteers who provide one-on-one and small
group instruction to over 168,000 students. #
If you are interested in volunteering call (212) 213-3370
or www.learningleaders.org

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