Museum to Host Family Day
November 2, 2002 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., the Whitney will clear
an entire floor of the museum for its third annual family day.
Children ages 5-10 and “their grown-ups” can visit
the museum free of charge for “New York Stories.”
Planned activities include building bridge sculptures, making
favorite food books and drawing city skylines, all inspired
by works from the museum’s collection of 20th century
art. Families can take tours of the museum’s permanent
collections, which include works by Edward Hopper and Georgia
O’Keefe as well as new acquisitions such as works by Jackson
Pollock, Andy Warhol and Jasper Johns. Pre-registration is required.
To register, call the Education office of the Whitney Museum:
(212) 671-5300.#

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