the Editor:
think the article, “Dean Deborah Shanley: Brooklyn College
School of Education” (Sept. 2002) tells a lot about the
school that I didn’t know. I would like to know, compared
to other colleges, where this school stands in rank. Can I get
a degree higher than a master’s after graduating from the
Brooklyn College School of Education?
the Editor:
I loved the way you so eloquently and accurately wrote about
me and put it all together. [“Deaf Teacher” September
Thousand Oaks, CA
the Editor:
In response to “Talking with Pioneer Dr. Ira Black,”
[Education Update, July 2002] my twin sister has had a
car accident and she had her spinal cord compressed. I would
like to know if any treatment can be done for her so she can
get better or if you work with some kind of medicine that helps
regenerate the spinal cord or that helps the swelling go down
faster. Is there anything you can do for us. Please help me
solve this. We are 19 years old and the accident was in May.
Daniela Martinez
[This was forwarded to Dr. Black. Ed.]
special arts programs are there for deaf or hard of hearing
children? [at the Everett Children’s Adventure Garden,
Education Update, Sept. 2002]

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