Bookstore’s Recommendations
By H. Harris Healy, III, President, Logos Bookstore
1575 York Avenue (Between 83rd And 84th Sts.), New
York, New York 10028 (212) 517-7292, Fax (212) 517-7197; WWW.NYCLOGOS.CITYSEARCH.COM
these unsettled economic times, when prices rise and incomes
may decline, it is time to shop where one can get the most value
for one’s money. Logos Bookstore is such a place for books.
Starting October 1, all purchases of books in the store will
be 10 percent off retail price. Logos also offers a discount
club that one can join for free. The club works this way: After
the first $100 spent there is a 20 percent discount on all books
purchased in the store and 10 percent off any cards, music or
gifts in the store. After $200 has been spent there is a 30
percent discount on all books purchased in the store and 20
percent off any cards, music or gifts present in the store.
When $ 300 has been spent, the process, outlined above, starts
again. There is also a discount coupon available in the Verizon
Yorkville Community Yellow Pages.
As to the changes going on in one particular industry during
this present time, Book Business by Jason Epstein delineates
the past and current situations as well as the future of book
publishing. As the creator of Anchor paperbacks in the 1950’s,
a founder of The New York Review Of Books in the 1960’s,
creator of The Reader’s Catalogue in the 1980’s
and former editorial director of Random House, Epstein knows
the book publishing industry well and presents clearly the current
crisis facing book publishing.
His reminiscences of his life in publishing convey a feeling
of what the industry was like from the 1950’s to the advent
of the Web. For the committed book reader, Book Business is
the book to read to find out the business side of books. Come
to Logos and pick up a copy.
Transit: #4,#5,#6 Lexington Avenue Subway to 86th St.,
M15 Bus (First & Second Aves.), M86 Bus (86th
St.), M79 Bus (79th St.), M31 Bus (York Ave,)
Upcoming Events at Logos:
Wednesday, October 2 at 7 PM, KYTV Reading Group will discuss
Bel Canto by Ann Patchett.
Wednesday, November 6 at 7 PM, KYTV Reading Group will discuss
The Comedians by Graham Greene..#

Update, Inc., P.O. Box 20005, New York, NY 10001.
Tel: (212) 481-5519. Fax: (212) 481-3919.Email: ednews1@aol.com.
All material is copyrighted and may not be printed without express
consent of the publisher. © 2002.