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Invitation to Review Drafts of DSM-5 - Dr. Allen Frances

Invitation to Review Drafts of DSM-5

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The first drafts of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) will be posted at www.dsm5.org between mid January and mid February 2010. There will then be a period for public comment ending in March 2010. I would encourage anyone interested in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism, learning disabilities, conduct disorders, or any of the other DSM disorders to take advantage of this opportunity to review and comment on the changes proposed for DSM-5.
DSM-IV-TR, the current DSM edition

Image via Wikipedia

In May 2013, DSM-5 will become the official method for diagnosing mental disorders used throughout the United States. As such, it will have an impact on insurance reimbursement, the provision of special services in schools, and disability determinations. I was chair of the DSM-IV Task Force. Recently I have felt the uncomfortable responsibility of pointing out the many problems in the way DSM-5 is being prepared. I am concerned that a problematic process may lead to a DSM-5 product with unfortunate unintended consequences. In later blogs I will comment on various disorders of particular interest to this audience. It is important that you participate and make your views known.  

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