Dr. Christina Ager is a Professor of Special Education at Arcadia University in Glenside, PA, where she has taught for the past 20 years and the Executive Director of the B
2EST Program at Arcadia which was designated a model program by the Pennsylvania Department of Education in 2001. Her areas of expertise include developing positive school climate, training families and professionals in supporting young people with challenging behaviors, and organizational change. In addition to positive behavioral support her primary areas of interest include goal setting and assessment and measurement strategies for non-profit and agencies as well as mentoring doctoral students in research strategies. She was part of the evaluation team for Rosh Hodesh
It's a Girl Thing(2001-2002) and for the first statewide assessment of alternative education in Pennsylvania, completed in 2006. Dr Ager's professional goal is to create safe and positive home and school environments for all children. She has 16 publications, has presented at over 35 conferences and conducted over 400 trainings for educators, psychologists, counselors, and other professionals and families. Christina received her doctorate from Lehigh University and was awarded the Outstanding Contribution to the Discipline Award in 2005 from Lehigh.