Fulbright Distinguished Teachers Participate in Orientation Workshop in Washington, DC

Recently, 44 U.S. teachers and 21 international teachers who were selected to participate in the 2016-2017 Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program convened in Washington, DC for the program’s orientation workshop. Several alumni of the program also attended to share their experiences abroad, answer questions, and serve as resources to teachers throughout the workshop.
International teachers from Botswana, Finland, India, Israel, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, the Palestinian Territories, Singapore, and Taiwan met with U.S. teachers who will be traveling to Botswana, Chile, Finland, India, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, the Palestinian Territories, Singapore, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and Vietnam to engage in discussions about their countries’ educational systems and their individual inquiry projects which they will develop during their program. During the workshop, teachers discussed varied topics such as ways to improve global competence in their classrooms and how to meet the needs of underserved students and communities.
Guest speakers included Evan Ryan, Assistant Secretary of State for Academic Programs in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State and Betty Castor, Member of the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board. Teachers were motivated by these sessions and expressed how much they look forward to further developing their inquiry projects and learning about their host country educational systems throughout the program.
The Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and is administered by IIE. The application for the 2017-2018 school year will be available in late August 2016.
October 23–25, 2016 | Washington, DC
The 2016 IIE Summit will bring education, government, and business leaders together for action-oriented panel discussions, sessions, and plenaries on how to ensure an international experience is a key part of a 21st century education and how to make study abroad opportunities available to all. The 2016 IIE Summit will continue to push the envelope to change how we think and ‘do’ study abroad as we work together to achieve our collective goal. It is more important than ever that K-12 U.S. students are given the opportunity to acquire international, intercultural, and language skills that they will need to address and help solve today’s global challenges.
The contributions that the K-12 community are making to achieve the goals of Generation Study Abroad will help inform the discussions and identify solutions to expand and diversity study abroad. We encourage you to bring your colleagues, principals and superintendents from your district to the Summit to further inspire and bring about change and ensure that the next generations have the global competencies to succeed in the 21st century.
IIE is pleased to offer K-12 teachers and administrators a special registration rate of $250. Please register as early as possible to secure your seat!
Opportunity for Career and Technical Education Educators
Asia Society is seeking career and technical education (CTE) educators to participate in the pilot of a Global CTE Professional Development Course beginning on October 1, 2016. The course consists of two online, interactive modules. The first module introduces the concept of global competence as well as project management and their importance to CTE. The second module demonstrates how to integrate these two concepts into what is already being taught in the classroom.
An accompanying toolkit will provide additional resources including: sample projects ready to be used in CTE classrooms, global career planning resources, workforce readiness rubrics, crosswalks of global education and CTE standards, global career profile videos, talking points, and more. Asia Society will be offering participating educators the ability to earn CEUs through the University of Central Missouri.
Call for Applications for Target Field Trip Grants
Application deadline: October 1, 2016
In this program, Target awards Field Trip Grants to K-12 schools nationwide for a school field trip that enhances curriculum in arts, math, science, and social studies. Each grant is valued up to $700.
Professional Development Webinars
These webinars are not sponsored by IIE.
August 30, 2016: Leveraging ESSA’s Evidence Provisions to Help Every Student Succeed
Webinar by Results 4 America and AASA at 3:00 PM EDT
August 30, 2016: Behind Kentucky’s Progress: Closing the High School Graduation Gap for Low-Income Students
Grad Nation webinar from 2:00 - 3:00 PM EDT #