An Interview with Life Coach Tanya Fly
By Lydia Liebman

Tanya Fly
Lydia Liebman (LL): Tell me about the NU Method! How did you get involved in this line of work?
Tanya Fly (TF): The NU Method is a Total Body Conditioning workout that I created in 2004. I had just separated from my ex-husband with 2 little boys at the time: Hunter, 2 and a half then, now 13 and Jadun, 5 and a half, now 16. I was then a private trainer working for the Plaza Hotel but had to give that job up when I became a single mom. I had no idea what I would do. A neighborhood mother saw me at the local park one day and asked me if I had ever considered ‘creating a class for moms’. I rented space in a Pre-K coop and hired babysitters so moms could come after work. They would drop their kids off with the sitter(s) in one room in the loft space while they worked out with me in the other.
That class evolved to The NU Method and eventually relocated to the Dodge YMCA in Brooklyn Heights. It expanded to include a variety of members: young, old, very fit, not so active, men, women… it has now grown from the dance studio to the gymnasium and I am very proud of it.
LL: What are some challenges you have overcome?
TF: I would love to say I have ‘overcome’ some of the things that I have been challenged with regarding parenting alone with a limited income, (my parents deceased long ago), however, I have not. When you do not have consistent child care it becomes almost impossible to offer the flexibility that it requires to make what I do profitable.
However, my goal was not only to create a workout that was doable yet challenging for ALL participants but that allowed me the flexibility I wanted to have as a mom. I had been hired both at Equinox and the Y at the same time but felt the Y with it’s Family Oriented environment was a much better fit for the personal goals I had for myself and my vision for my work.
LL: Have you had any mentors along the way?
TF: I have looked up to many women I have met, trained and/or befriended along the way. Usually mothers who find ways to not only care for their family and partners but still find ways to continue being some of their best selves as principals, lawyers, dance instructors, or stay at home moms. They make the time to also ‘fill their own tank’ by caring for themselves which is one of the best gifts anyone can give to themselves and their family.
Even with me doing what I do I am still challenged in finding that balance but I do continue to strive for it which I believe is better than to not attempt it at all.
LL: What are your proudest accomplishments?
TF: Outside of my children, I feel proud that I have been able to turn my work into something more than ‘a workout’. It’s a place where people come as a community to not only help themselves but to help and support their fellow members to strive in becoming their best selves as well. To feel I have created work/space--that is EVERYTHING to me.
LL: What are your plans for the future?
TF: I would love to expand my class to other locations. I would also like to find a way to incorporate more mind work… how to be more present. To me this is not solely based on what ‘size’ or ‘weight’ you are but how strong and healthy you feel… not only in your body but in your life spirit.
Bric TV is also looking for shows. I would love to offer more access to what I do and to address some of the day to day things that get ‘in the way’ of people thinking they can take the time to feel better in their own skin: family issues/upset, work, finances etc. That, however, may take some time with some of those same issues plaguing my own family due to a very long custody battle over the course of 6 years that just ended June 4th, 2015. It put a real stress on our finances so we struggle with that.
LL: How can someone interested in your work get in touch with you?
TF: Email is the best! The NU Method also has a YouTube channel and you can find more info on my work and life there.
Tanya’s youtube channel: and She can be reached at #