New Resources for Suicide Prevention from the Jed Foundation
The Jed Foundation, founded in 2000, is the leading nonprofit organization working to promote emotional health and prevent suicide among college students. They have developed several new programs. provides information about a wide range of emotional health issues, including anxiety, depression and stress, geared towards law students. It also offers an anonymous, confidential web-based resource center allowing students to search for information and learn how to go about seeking help if they need it.
ULifeline Counselor Conversations is a new blog by Dr. Victor Schwartz about the most pressing mental health-related topics facing the counseling community today, and facilitates a discussion of these issues among college counseling professionals.
ULifeline, just relaunched, is an anonymous, confidential, online resource center, redesigned and updated with exclusive content that covers a wide range of emotional health topics, and a Counseling Central section that provides information, ideas and tools for supporting student health to counseling professionals.#
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