To The Honorees And Attendees At The Outstanding Educators Of The Year 2011 Awards Ceremony
I am pleased to join in sending greetings as you gather for this celebration of education.
I truly believe that education is the civil rights issue of our generation and now, more than ever, fundamental for our future economic prosperity. The value of educators in shaping the next generation and the future of the nation cannot be underscored enough.
President Obama has said, " ... a good education --provided with the help of great teachers and mentors ... is about instilling in a young person a love of learning and a sense of possibility in their own lives, an understanding of the world around them that will serve them no matter what they do. "
As leaders in education, you have the ability to shape the future of the profession. I encourage you to continue to share your expertise and knowledge and help recruit the next generation of educators. I hope you take great satisfaction and pride in the choice you made to dedicate your life to education. I can think of no career that offers a greater opportunity to affect the future.
Thank you for all that you are doing to change the lives of children and for lending your talent, dedication, and energy to the field of education. Please accept my congratulations on this award and my best wishes for the future.

Arne Duncan