2004 Outstanding Teachers of the Month

P.S. 97 The Forest Park
School, Queens
Lucille Cardinale, Principal
Dr. Kathleen Cashin,
District 27/Region 5
Student Progress: The
students in Mrs. Bua’s class showed progress
in their work through ECLAS assessment as well
as informal assessment conducted throughout the
year in math and literacy. Mrs. Bua keeps a log
on each individual student. In her log she writes
anecdotes about the performance of each student
and uses this to differentiate instruction. As
a kindergarten teacher, she embraces each child
who enters her classroom and has successfully
guided them into a print-rich classroom environment. Each
student is able to reach his or her own personal
best regardless of prior school experience.
Teaching Strategies: Mrs.
Bua uses innovative teaching strategies such
as adapting curriculum to meet the learning
style or interests of each individual student.
Some of these strategies include using different
materials, book and supplies and making adaptations
to the environment. It is important to her
that every child finds learning enjoyable and
interesting. Mrs. Bua is compassionate and
flexible to the needs of her students.
Motivating Students: Mrs.
Bua motivates and involves her students in classroom
activities by involving the students in the planning
and delivery of activities and projects. She
plans themes that are of interest to the students
and provides activities for many different levels.
Hence, students are both engaged and challenged
at their level. One example of her thematic planning
included the decoration of her classroom as an
Egyptian Temple. The lessons included having
the students appreciate the art and culture of
the ancient world. She made connections to literacy
through read aloud and responding to the literature.
She had her students write letters using hieroglyphics
as other students used a key to translate the
Parent/Community Involvement: Mrs.
Bua is a member of the Woodhaven community and
maintains open communication with the parents
of the students in her class. She has an open
door policy where parents join students on field
trips, special events, and during everyday instruction.
She works closely with volunteers who read with
the children as well as help with other needs.
She is available at every conference, is a member
of the School Leadership Team, attends PA activities
and communicates with parents regularly.
As principal, I truly am delighted
to recognize Mrs. Bua as an outstanding educator.
Name of nominator: Lucille

PS 811Q, Little Neck,
Joan Washington, Principal
Dr. Susan Erber, Superintendent
District/Region: 75/3
Student Progress: Maria
Crowe is a special education teacher supporting
students with severe disabilities in general
education classes full time. The students eligible
for standardized test-taking have increased
their scores by one grade level or more this
year. Ms.
Crowe utilizes data-folios for her alternate
assessment students highlighting their performance
on skills using pre- and post-testing, self-evaluations,
informal testing, and observations. Anecdotal
evidence is compiled into data showing progress
in all subject areas and in socialization.
Innovative Teaching Strategies: Mrs.
Crowe’s innovations have no boundaries.
Maria has designed several inclusive education
adaptations to ensure her students are successful
working besides their same-age peers. Mrs.
Crowe uses graphic organizers, timers, adapted
books, calculators, templates, photographs,
timelines, symbols, and more to simplify the
work so that her students can understand the
what is being presented. She is also a team-teacher,
working beside her general education colleagues
to get a better handle on all of the students.
Mrs. Crowe assists the class with at-risk students
not on her roster. She provides the special
education techniques of individualized and
differentiated instruction as a model for all
to use. Mrs. Crowe utilizes sensory integration,
manipulatives, yoga, music, and stress management
to keep students and staff focused.
Motivating Students: Mrs.
Crowe’s adaptations and modifications keep
students motivated and on task. When the work
is too difficult, she uses fewer words in the
vocabulary list and simplifies the stories in
a creative, stimulating way. She invites interested
parties to visit to see the varied resources
she has created for individual students’ needs.
When students have problems following the general
education guidelines, such as keeping a journal
for response to literature, Mrs. Crowe steps
in. After mini-lessons she transcribes what the
students’ response to the literature is.
She encourages the students to verbalize their
thoughts, as she records them. The children then
read the “sample,” and re-writes
it following the format: write, review, edit,
type final copy. All of Mrs. Crowe’s
teaching is made fun, in the form of games
that are hands-on, using the kinesthetic, tactile
approach. The intent is always to keep the
children interested and engaged.
Parent/Community Involvement: Parents
in our school have learned from Maria how to
advocate for inclusive education. She invites
them to see the success of our students as they
participate their everyday classroom activities
as well as in Science Fairs, Dance Festivals,
Chorus clubs, Art classes, Assemblies, etc. The
parents have asked for more information to be
presented at Parent-Teacher Association meetings,
so they can learn more about inclusive education.
The entire school community has now welcomed
Mrs. Crowe and her students. The best comments
we receive say how one cannot tell the difference
between our students and the others without disabilities
when they are working together side-by-side!
Name of nominator: Joan
Washington, Principal

The Forest Park School-P.S.
97, Queens
Ms. Lucille A. Cardinale, Principal
Dr. Kathleen Cashin,
District 27/Region 5
Student Progress: Angela Florio-Lippe is an outstanding fourth grade
teacher. Due to the high stakes that the state
has placed on students there are many forms of
evaluation such as Princeton Review, Kaplan Tests
as well as tests administered by the teacher
on a weekly basis. These evaluations enabled
her to assess the levels of students in the class.
Ms. Lippe maintains and updates logs, confers
with students and maintains work folders on each
child, allowing her to understand the needs of
every child.
Innovative Teaching Strategies: In
her classroom Ms. Lippe uses a variety of strategies
to motivate students. Technology is incorporated
whenever possible. She has a “Smart Board” which
she won in a district-wide contest for incorporating
technology. She uses this technical equipment
to demonstrate how to surf the web and highlight
and use information for research project.
Motivating Students: Students
work on laptop computers with partners to write
and edit published pieces. Students are also
familiar to working in collaborative groups.
For example, they created a database of Olympic
Sports, which was then published into a book.
She has created an atmosphere in which students
are partnered to help each other.
Involvement: She
keeps parents involved in her classroom activities
by encouraging them to work with their children
and help them to attain information needed
for classroom themes. Parents are invited
on class trips and to participate in classroom
theme activities. Ms. Lippe often calls parents
and encourages feedback on students’ work
and personal issues, which may affect a student’s
day. She is always available for visits and
partakes in school activities and parent
evening meetings.
Name of nominator: Ms.
Lucille A. Cardinale, Principal
Name of School: CS 211,
Mrs. Betty Gonzalez-Soto, Principal
Ms. Laura Rodriguez,
Network 7/Region 2
Progress: The
Early Childhood Literacy Assessment System,
the Developmental Reading Assessment, interim
benchmark tests, and inventories indicate significant
student progress. Student folders in reading,
writing, and math also evidence improved student
Teaching Strategies: Ms.
Gallego is a veteran teacher who never stops
trying to improve her craft. She uses a multidisciplinary
approach to author studies that encourages
children to explore the world of literacy.
The children really get excited about the
extensions introduced. Ultimately, the miracle
happens: children read and write. It is her
planning and uncanny ability to design new
and fun activities for her students that
lead to the students’ academic
success. Ms. Gallego facilitates learning.
She allows for students to apply what they
learn. Her room always has student projects
in progress. You’ll see quilt making,
dioramas, paintings and bookmaking; not all
students will be doing the exact same thing
because she plans with their strengths and
weaknesses in mind. She groups for reading
to help students at their instructional level,
but she challenges them to excel by providing
wonderful activities that are usually thematic.
Motivating Students: Through
the years, most of Ms. Gallego’s students
have been reading at or above grade level when
promoted to 2nd grade. This is due to her brand
of teaching: experienced but always willing
to incorporate new ideas. Her teaching immerses
her students on a daily basis in the activities
that result in meeting performance standards.
Attendance is always above 90%. The writing
produced by the students is amazing. Students
talk about legends and folktales. They understand
fiction versus nonfiction. They produce cookbooks,
letters, poems and retellings. She publishes
student work that fills up 4 to 5 boards every
Parent/Community Involvement: Ms.
Gallego talks to parents on an ongoing basis.
She starts by sending a letter to her September
parents in June. Her practice is to inform
parents of what is expected of their children
from the very beginning. She feels children are
only as successful as parents will help them
to be. She teaches any parent that will listen
how to work with their child. At times, she’ll
have a parent attend class to observe the routines.
Her belief is that parents have to help with
discipline so that children can learn. Ms.
Gallego is an amazing teacher!
Name of nominator: Margarita
Rodriguez, Literacy Coach

P.S.95, Queens
Dr. Aura Gangemi, Principal
Ms. Judith Chin, Superintendent
District 29/Region 3
Progress: Our children have performed
on Broadway, Rockefeller Center (A Christmas Carol),
at Annual Conferences (NYS Association of
Bilingual Educators; JFK International Airport
Annual Hispanic Cultural Celebration) and
numerous other sites with pride and a full
sense of accomplishment.
The children
in our building are 90-95% immigrants or children
of immigrants—their
diverse cultural backgrounds are highlighted and
supported by the music and the presentations that
occur under Mr. Goldring’s tutelage. As a
result he is beloved & respected by the entire
Due to his innovative style and teaching
skills, the children have learned to read music
and sing in three-part harmony. These exercises
in learning have enriched the reading, writing
and comprehensive skills of both the children in
the chorus and those that perform at the weekly
assembly programs.
Innovative Teaching Strategies: He
is always working with the chorus during his
lunch, his prep periods, before school in large
groups as well as small groups.
and preparing our children as they perform
on Broadway, Rockefeller Center (“A Christmas Carol”)
and other venues outside of the school setting.
the enthusiastic celebration of the multicultural
nature of our school and our children.
Created and promoted an annual Flag
Day Celebration that promoted patriotism for the
entire school.
his research, he has brought to our community
the newest music as well as new arrangements
to old favorites, i.e. Star Spangle Banner, new
Bengali/Indian music and Latin music.
Motivating Students: Helps
promote self-esteem and success through participation
in numerous performances in our school and in
public (Senior Citizens Center)
Promotes the linkage of multiple classes
for weekly assembly programs where the Kindergarten
to Grade 5 perform plays, skits and musicals.
Parent/Community Involvement: Creating/organizing,
promoting and accompanying all acts at our
Winter & Spring
Creating/organizing promoting and
accompanying all acts at our June Staff Talent
and linking our children to cultural events
where the children perform (i.e. NYS Association
of Bilingual Educators annual conference; JFK
International Airport Hispanic Celebrations—annually;
Invited participants for the Annual Martin Luther
King Celebration at the Queensborough Public Library;
Holiday visits with the Eastwood International
Children’s Chorus to Senior Citizens Center)
Name of nominator: Dr.
Aura Gangemi, Principal
P.S.140, Queens
Elaine Brittenum, Principal
Harold Wilson, LIS,
District/Region: 28Q/3
Progress: Mrs.
Sibley’s Technology Club is definitely
a group on the move. The students’ essays
and interviewing skills are reflected in their
bi-monthly school-wide newsletters. The students
enjoy interviewing staff for their newsletter
article; the research columns are less than
spectacular—I have learned much from
their research.
The children are confident, independent
and ambitious in doing an expert job.
Innovative Teaching Strategies: Mrs.
Sibley and her Technology Club wanted to participate
in the upcoming AIDS walk-a-thon and wrote
a grant for Newsday Future Corps. They were rewarded
with the grant and are now participants in
the May 16, 2004 AIDS walk-a-thon sponsored by
NYC. This is the club’s 2nd grant from Newsday
Future Corps. Patricia was a winner in SY 2002-2003.
She recently met someone from Verizon and persuaded
him to adopt P.S. 140’s Technology Club.
Motivating Students: The
Technology Club produces their own school-wide
newsletters; participating in the NYC AIDS walk-a-thon
and looking for more pledges. The Duke-a-teers
are walking May 16,2004 under the direction of
Mrs.Sibley,parents and staff.
Parent/Community Involvement: Mrs.
Sibley offers technology workshop on Saturdays
to the parent community. She instructs parents
in: Power Point, Hyperstudio, creating web pages,
etc. The workshops are agents to bond the parent
community as they learn and collaborate.
Name of nominator: Elaine

Forest Park School - P.S. 97, Queens
Ms. Lucille A. Cardinale, Principal
Kathleen Cashin, Superintendent
27/Region 5
Student Progress: Ms. Strum uses innovative teaching strategies in her
classroom. She has created a database for students
to record research information. She facilitates
the use of computers to differentiate instruction.
Ms. Sturm coaches students through the process
of creating slide shows of their work. She integrates
life skills into the curriculum as well as enriching
the lives of students who have created special
items for loved ones. In addition, her students
create books for the kindergarten students to
read. She heads a school biography fair every
year where students on all grade levels are encouraged
to come to school dressed as their favorite person
in history and allow other students to interview
Innovative Teaching Strategies: Student
progress is showed by comparing scores on Princeton
Review Tests, Kaplan Tests, and ECLAS assessments.
Students are also evaluated on a daily basis
through running records in reading and teacher
created tests given after completing various
units of study. Throughout the year work is collected
in work folders so progress can be seen on a
regular basis.
Motivating Students: In
Ms. Sturm’s class, student motivation was
evident at the recent biography fair held to
honor famous Americans. After extensive research,
students dressed as their chosen famous person,
signed autographs and answered questions from
the entire school and invited guests. Students’ motivation
is also evident in their current study of Ireland.
When visitors enter the classroom they are greeted
with “Failte” welcome in Gaelic.
She was also the winner of “Readers are
Leaders” challenge for the best book
reports in third grade where highly motivated
students are identified.
Parent/Community Involvement: During
Penny Harvest parents and children collected
pennies with their children and donated the
proceeds to charity. The class was awarded the “Common
Cents NY Grant” for buddy reading and the
creation of student made books for kindergarten. In
addition, during the biography fair parents sewed
costumes and invited the entire community to
attend. During the Marathon she involved parents
to participate. Both students marched
in October to raise money for the March of
Dimes. For City Harvest, the class and their
parents collected over 200 cans of food.
Ms. Sturm is an outstanding educator
who is a lifelong learner. She continues to grow
as a professional and is an asset to Public School
Name of nominator: Ms.
Lucille A. Cardinale

School, PS 811, Queens
Joan Washington, Principal
Susan Erber, Superintendent
Student Progress: Shirley’s eye for detail was a tremendous asset
in the classroom. In addition to anticipating
the needs of the students, she was able to anticipate
the teacher’s needs. Her superb organizational
skills contributed to a well-run classroom; a
notebook, hat or mitten rarely went missing.
This was such a help to the classroom teacher
who was confident in the knowledge that instructional
and hygiene supplies were always available for
use. Shirley’s extraordinary artistic talent
is another of her strengths. Among other talents,
she was accomplished in the art of paper cutting
and could take a student’s abstract rendering
in paint/crayon to help create a very special
bulletin board.
Innovative Teaching Strategies: From
her first day at work Shirley showed herself
to be a dedicated and conscientious individual.
But, it is her patience and meticulousness
that are so outstanding. Shirley was superbly
skilled at teaching our most physically challenged
students to feed themselves. She carried out
dysphasia programs for children having difficulty
swallowing, under the direction of school therapists,
with dedication and loving care. She took her
time, first ensuring that her student was positioned
optimally in his/her wheelchair, making the
necessary adjustments as needed, setting up all
the student’s
mealtime equipment, making sure that student
was relaxed, and finally following proper feeding
techniques demonstrated by either classroom
teacher, speech, occupational or physical therapists.
Shirley never rushed her students. Instead,
she allowed her students to take all the time
they needed to finish their meals even if it
meant that she remained in the cafeteria or the
classroom with a student long after all others
proceeded to the next activity. Shirley was totally
engaged with whichever student she worked with,
no matter his/her level of disability. Similarly,
Shirley took no shortcuts when toileting her
students, ensuring that all buttons were buttoned,
wrinkled undershirts smoothed out, and all belts
and straps reattached precisely.
Motivating Students: Shirley
was educated and worked as a trained architect
in Mainland China for many years. She left China
during the oppression of the Cultural Revolution
for the freedom of America. Upon her arrival
in this country Shirley supported her family
by cleaning houses while she was learning English.
When her English skills were sufficient, she
gratefully accepted a position as paraprofessional
in our school.
Parent/Community Involvement: Her
kindness and genuine affection for our students
were made evident in the way Shirley worked
with our student’s day in and day out.
Despite her advanced age (72) and arthritis,
Shirley would gladly aid in lifting even heavy
children in and out of their wheelchairs. Despite
her hearing impairment, she would never get frustrated.
Despite her intelligence and abilities she
cheerfully performed all tasks asked of her.
Name of nominator: Joan
Washington, Principal, Sandi Mattes-Schwartz,
Teacher, Mark Shifter, Teacher #