What Are You Doing After Graduation?
Sarah Lynch

N. Lynch
College of Columbia University
Majors: English with a concentration in writing and Spanish
Language and Literature
How do you
feel about graduating? I
will certainly miss all of my friends and many of the wonderful
teachers I had at Barnard, including Agueda Rayo, my Spanish
thesis advisor, and Anne Prescott in the English department.
I will also miss being a student. I am excited, however,
to begin a new chapter in my life.
Future Plans: I just got a job working as a general assignment
reporter for the Jersey Journal in Hudson County, NJ, where
I will be covering Secaucus and Hoboken. I am looking forward
to developing my skills as a journalist and a writer. In
the distant future I hope to attain a Masters in print journalism
(newspaper) and potentially a Masters in international affairs
with a concentration in Latin America.

College of Columbia University
Major/Minor: Urban Studies with a concentration in Political Science
(major)/Latin American Studies (minor)
How do you
feel about graduating?: “While
graduation is a sad moment because the friends you made wonderful
memories with all go their separate ways, graduation signifies
a new beginning. I look forward to the new memories my college
friends and I will make as we sail through the difficult
waters of adulthood and hope to enjoy my time off from lectures,
papers, and tests.”
Future Plans: I look forward to working at a fulltime job at the
Grace Institute for a few years before I enroll in law school.

T. Chan
College of Columbia University
Major/minors: English (major)/Psychology (minor)
How do you
feel about graduating? I’m
definitely going to miss being in such an exciting, intellectual
college environment, but I’m looking forward to beginning
the next stage of my life as a working girl.
Future Plans: I will be working as a corporate legal assistant
at a Manhattan law firm and I anticipate attending law school
in the near future.

College of Columbia University
Major: Spanish language and literature
How do you
feel about graduating?: I
feel great! I’m excited to have finished, and am looking
forward to a lot of exciting changes and opportunities.
Plans: Working
as a financial advisor for Amex, continuing my studies
in Spanish, developing my photography skills even more,
printing and publishing my photographs and my artwork,
keep working on cars, continuing with ballet classes and
teaching ballet, going to the gym...